Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Game: Thrack-It Trixie

Help Trixie break rocks on a rock farm so she can gain enough bits to by the alicorn amulet. There is more to it then just breaking rocks. Wheels roll towards you as you are mining the rocks. (I guess this is the reason why Trixie hates wheels so much) The amount of hits you can take is pretty low so keep that in mind. This game looks pretty simple but trust me it gets hard fast. Its really an awesome game.
 check it out here.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Final Flight Of The Day #2

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Sleepy...... that position Rainbowdash is in looks like it would hurt. Check out the Final Flight Of The Day after the break.

Comics: She had Good Intentions, MLP-Twilight's Rampage, A wise Advice, Surprise Gift

comics :D
click on pictures for the links.

Top Ten Brony Songs for November 2012-Community Votes

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The votes for the Top Ten Brony Songs for November 2012 are in. Theres a good amount of remixes and techno this time around. Check out the results after the break. (video)

Videos: The Campfire Song Song-MLP, Scootaloo's worst nightmare

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Well these are some videos of stuff that we all new was coming after last weeks episode. Check them out after the break.

Epic Pony Rap Battles of Equestria: Iron Will Vs. Zecora

Zecora and Iron Will battle it out in a new Epic Pony Rap Battles of Equestria. Seems like a good match up, Zecora already has the advantage with her skill of rhyming during normal conversation. So this should be interesting. Check it out after the break.